Downloading recipes:

How do I download a recipe?

Use this browser to navigate the web, and find a recipe you wish to download. You can start with the website below, or go to any URL. Then press the Download button in the lower-right. Perfect Bake will attempt to download the recipe. It then loads it into the Recipe Editor to allow you to make further changes.

What if the Download button is not enabled?

That means the website is not setup for easy downloading, but you can still use the Copy button to download the page's text into Perfect's text editor to help us isolate the ingredients/instructions.

What if Perfect Bake makes a mistake?

Then you can either edit it in the visual Recipe Editor, or use the Copy button to load it into the text editor to clarify the things we got wrong.

What recipes might cause a problem for Perfect Bake?

Well, first, understanding natural language is still hard for computers; people are remarkably inventive in how they use language! Secondly, Perfect Bake sometimes needs more information than the recipe provides. For example, recipes are frequently ambiguous about containers they are using ("Sift together flour and baking powder"). Unlike most recipe programs, we track the container that ingredients are in throughout the recipe so that we can weigh them properly and to guide the user on which container to use. In the example, you might need to add "in a medium bowl". We also need to have ingredients in our database before they can be included in a recipe to be able to convert them from volume to weight, calculate nutrition, etc.

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